How to use library (Academic)
◎Loan Policy
※1 Incl. Member of this University
※You cannot borrow the latest issues of periodicals, refarence books, especially nominated books, or books that cannot be removed from the library.
Academic Area collection consists of materials selected and purchased by each university in the KItakyusyu Science and Research Park expect some donation. If you want to make new purchase request for books or periodicals, consult our university.
◎Inerlibrary Loan
If any material is unavailable in Media Center Library, users can request to borrow , or take photocopies of books and periodicals from laibraries at other university, etc.(This is a chargeable service.
※The service is only available for faculty and students at Kitakyusyu Science and Reseach Park.
※For detail, ask a staff at the counter.
◎Online Service
①You can check your circulation and reservation status (titles, number of items, dues, etc.) on this web site.
②You can reserve a material by yourself when you find it from the nessesary date items to make your reservation.
※For logging in, enter the user ID and passward you use in the Kitakyusyu Science and Research Park. If you do not know your ID or passward, please inquire at the preparatry room on the first floor.
※In logged in pages, you can see your private usage status. Be sure to log out when you complete the service.
◎Reference Service
How to search materials, how to use the library, etc. are explained at the counter.
◎PC for Searching Information in the Library and Information Concent (electrical outlet) and Wirless LAN
The PCs in the Library should be used for searching through information, collections, and CD-ROMs. There in no reservation system,but not occupy it for long time. You can connect your own PC, etc. tou our information consent or wireless LAN to use the campus LAN. Necessary software, interface, etc. must be prepared and set up by user. The information concent and wireless LAN must be used only for academic purposes. Other purposes such as game or buisiness are acceptable.
◎AV Booth
Audio and visual materials in the library can be used in this booth.
Ask for use at the couter.
※Audio and visual materials cannotbe borrowed.
◎Copy of Library Books
Only library materials can be photocopied in line with the regulations stipulated by the Japan Copyright Act. ull "Material copy application" and submit it at the counter.
【Copier fee】 1pc/¥10 (color copy 1pc/¥50)
◎Learnig Room for Group
There are learning rooms that can be used by groups.
※Ask for use at the counter.
※Cannot be used for individual studying.
◎Campus Card(Special ID Card)
A non-contact IC card lent for a dtuff belonging to an organization in the Kitakyusyu scicence and Research Park. For update or question about the card, ask the administrator of youe organization (nuniversity office, if you are a student.)
※Please note that in the case of lost or breakage of the card, actual expense must be paid. As a specific case, some people break the card when sitting down with being held the card in a back pocket. Please in a case and bearing through the neck.
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